For most avid turkey hunters, completing the Grand Slam is typically on the bucket list. When I was in middle school, my grandfather, otherwise known as Gran, was about to finish his turkey hunting Grand Slam, and I desperately wanted to go with him on his last trip. He told me that once I got to college he would take me to start mine. However, freshman year of college, Gran passed away.
So, my Dad and I decided that we were going to start my grand slam in memory of him. When looking at how expensive hunting outfitters were, we decided to just swap trips on our property instead. Through social media, my Dad and I swapped a hog hunt on our property here in Alabama for a turkey hunt at another guy's place in Colorado. Little did I know, this led to, which is the first venture under Grand Slam Outdoors.
The pursuit of the turkey hunting Grand Slam and the legacy of Gran is what deemed the name Grand Slam Outdoors. Since then, we have created an all-encompassing outdoors brand and business under Grand Slam Outdoors.
In 2017, I completed my Grand Slam by trading hunting trips on This is one of my most prized accomplishments. I know this put a smile on Gran's face in heaven.
-Slade Johnston
Check out the story's full version in the video below.
2017 Grand Slam through